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Transaction sealing API (SOAP and REST)

This document describes the API calls used for transaction sealing operations.

To be able to use transaction sealing, parameter "Transaction sealing" must be set to "yes" in the "Service parameters" of your administration console. 
If this parameter is not available/displayed in your console, please contact your sales representative at TrustBuilder.

TrustBuilder MFA supports authentication with transactions sealing.

The sealing process is materialized by the following API calls:

  • SealVerify → Verification after OTP generation

  • sealDeferredVerify → Verification later

SealVerify (REST)

CODE + parameters

Mandatory parameters:

&serviceId= <id of the service> //integer
&userId=<login> //string
&token=<OTP received from the client app> //string
&data=<sealed data> //string

Optional parameters:

  • &format=json → allows to get the API response in json format instead of XML format


By default, response is in XML. It contains:

  • err: operation result (« OK » or « NOK:<cause> ;»)

  • name: name of the device that performed the sealing

  • alias: alias of the device that performed the sealing

  • version: version of the device that performed the sealing

  • platform: platform of the device (the one you passed to mAccess)

  • type: will be “mac” (your application developed with mAccess)

  • timestamp: timestamp of the API call

If the ID of the service set in the URL is not valid the returned error code is: « NOK:srv unknown ». If the login set is not a valid login of the service the returned error code is: « NOK:account unknown ».

Other error codes:

  • NOK:NoKey: user does not have a sealing key. This means that he has not activated your app

  • NOK:BadData: The data sealing in the OTP is different from the one sent in as an input parameter. Potential MITM.

  • NOK:FORBIDDEN: Sealing option is not authorized for your account. Contact TrustBuilder Sales.

  • NOK: other errors

Format of XML response:

<err>Error Code</err>
<alias>device alias</alias>
<version>app version</version>

Format of JSON response:


sealDeferredVerify (REST)


CODE + parameters

Mandatory parameters:

&serviceId= <id of the service> //integer
&userId=<login> //string
&token=<OTP received from the client app> //string
&data=<sealed data> //string
&date=<seal date> // timestamp unix (nombre de seconde depuis 01/01/1970)

Optional parameters:

  • &format=json → allows to get the API response in json format instead of XML format


By default, response is in XML. It contains:

  • err: operation result (« OK » or « NOK:<cause> ;»)

  • name: name of the device that performed the sealing

  • alias: alias of the device that performed the sealing

  • version: version of the device that performed the sealing

  • platform: platform of the device (the one you passed to mAccess)

  • type: will be “mac” (your application developed with mAccess)

  • timestamp: timestamp of the API call

If the ID of the service set in the URL is not valid the returned error code is: « NOK:srv unknown ». If the login set is not a valid login of the service the returned error code is: « NOK:account unknown ».

Other error codes:

  • NOK:NoKey: user does not have a sealing key. This means that he has not activated your app

  • NOK:BadData: The data sealing in the OTP is different from the one sent in as an input parameter. Potential MITM.

  • NOK:FORBIDDEN: Sealing option is not authorized for your account. Contact TrustBuilder Sales.

  • NOK: other errors

Format of XML response:

<err>Error Code</err>
<alias>device alias</alias>
<version>app version</version>

Format of JSON response:


PushSeal (REST)

Requests TrustBuilder platform to send a Push notification to an identified user’s device, for an authentication with seal.


CODE + parameters

Mandatory parameters

  • &serviceId=<service id>(integer) The service identifier

  • &userId=<userId>(string) The login of the authenticated user

  • &data=<data>(string) The sealed data

Optional parameters

  • &withoutpin=1 → when set to 1, push is sent without asking for PIN (overriding global PIN policy). In this case CheckPushResult must also be invoked with 'withoutpin=1'. Default value: 0.

  • &format=json → allows to get the API response in json format instead of XML format.

  • &toolalias=<alias of the tool> → allows to specify the tool where to send the push, if several tools have been enrolled by the user. 'toolalias' can be obtained with 'loginQuery' request.


By default, API response is in XML. It contains:

  • err : the notification result (“OK” or “NOK:<cause>” or “NOK” (=other errors))

  • name: name of the device that performed the authentication

  • alias: alias of the device that performed the authentication

  • version: version of the application that performed the authentication

  • platform: platform of the device (the one you passed to mAccess)

  • type: will be “mac” (your application developed with mAccess)

  • sessionId: the 32-char-long Session identifier that will allow you to check Authentication result (to be used in checkPushResult)

  • timestamp: timestamp of the API call

Possible error codes

  • NOK:NOPUSH ==> user’s mobile app does not support Push (TrustBuilder Code)

  • NOK:NOMA ==> user does not have any TrustBuilder mobile app available

  • NOK:NOLOGIN ==> user does not exist, or is still pending activation

  • NOK:SN ==> syntax error in input parameters

  • NOK:srv unknown ==> serviceId is wrong

  • NOK:NoKey: user does not have a sealing key. This means that he has not activated your app

  • NOK:FORBIDDEN: Sealing option is not authorized for your account. Contact TrustBuilder Sales.

  • NOK  ==> Temporary error. In such a case, try to reiterate the API call.

JSON response format


PushSeal (SOAP)

pushSeal(string userId, string serviceId, string data, string toolalias)

Returns a string


JavaScript errors detected

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