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OpenID Connect (OIDC)

OpenID Connect is an identity layer built on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. OAuth2 is only concerned with authorization, meaning granting access to resources, controls and delegates authorization to access a protected resource. Open ID Connect (OIDC) extends the OAuth 2.0 protocol with user authentication and Single Sign-on (SSO) functionality.

OIDC is supported by some OAuth 2.0 providers, such as Google and Azure Active Directory. It defines a sign-in flow that enables a client application to authenticate a user, and to retrieve information (claims) about the user (user name, email, and so on). User identity information is encoded in a secure JSON Web Token (JWT), called ID token.

About OIDC

OIDC (OpenID Connect) extends OAuth 2.0 for user authentication. It enables to retrieve and store authentication information about a user. This sub-section contains basic information about OIDC supported by TrustBuilder MFA.

The OpenID Connect specification uses specific terms (see OpenID Connect terminology).


  • Relying party (RP): the client application that requests the ID token from TrustBuilder.

  • OIDC Provider (OP): the authorization server that issues the ID token. In this case TrustBuilder is the OpenID Connect Provider.

  • User: whose information (claims) is contained in the ID token.


OIDC specifies endpoints to be used by the relying party to communicate with the OIDC provider. OIDC defines core endpoints which are used to initiate and complete the OIDC authentication and authorization process.

  • Authorization endpoint: initiates the authentication and authorization flow. It requests the user's authentication and consent to obtain authorization grant. Carried across from OAuth

  • Token endpoint: requests an ID token and/or an Access token and/or a Refresh Token. Carried across from OAuth

  • User info endpoint: request information (claims) about the authenticated user by providing a valid access token. New to OpenID Connect

OIDC also defines other optional endpoints which are used to provide additional functionality or services to the Relying party. The Discovery endpoint is useful for TrustBuilder MFA integration. Discovery endpoint returns the OIDC Provider metadata as a JSON object. OpenID server publishes its metadata at a well-known URL, typically TrustBuilder provides the Discovery URL at the connector creation.


In response to an authentication request, an ID token or/and an Access token or/and a Refresh token are issued.

  • ID token: signed JWT containing encoded information (claims) about the authenticated user. It is issued by the OpenID Provider to prove that the user has been authenticated.

  • Access token: JWT containing authorization information. It informs that the bearer of the token has been authorized to access the resource to perform specific actions (specified by the scopes granted) on behalf of the user. It cannot tell if the user has been authenticated.

  • Refresh token: used to obtain a renewed access token without having to re-authenticate the user.


OpenID Connect has defined 3 authentications flows. These flows dictate what response types an authorization request can request and how tokens are returned to the relying party.

As this documentation page refers to OpenID connect, we consider the following flows with the openid scope included in the request. It is mandatory to tell the authorization server to run OpenID Connect protocol.

The value of the response_type parameter in the request determines the authorization processing flow to be used:

  • code for authorization code

  • id_token for ID token

  • token for access token

Known issue: a problem has been reported that has an impact on the Authorization Code flow. It is currently being fixed. Contact TrustBuilder support for more information.

“response_type” value



Authorization Code flow

Click to see the detailed flow

1. Users requests access to the client application which is MFA protected.

2. The client application sends an Authentication and Authorization request to TrustBuilder trough the Authorization endpoint. In the request, the response_type parameter is set to code.

3. TrustBuilder requests the user to authenticate. The user authenticates with one of the TrustBuilder authentication methods.

4. After the successful user authentication, TrustBuilder sends the encoded authentication responses including the authorization code.

5. The client application sends a token request to TrustBuilder through the Token endpoint. A valid authorization code should be presented in the request.

6. TrustBuilder sends an Access token containing authorization information and an ID Token containing information about the authenticated user.

7. The client application validates the access token and grants the user access to its protected resources.

If needed, the client app can request user claims (information) to TrustBuilder through the Userinfo endpoint. A valid access token should be presented in the request. TrustBuilder will return claims about the authenticated user to the client application. Only the claims scoped by the access token are returned.


Implicit flow

Click to see the detailed flow

1. Users requests access to the client application which is MFA protected.

2. The client application sends an Authentication and Authorization request to TrustBuilder trough the Authorization endpoint. In the request, the response_type parameter is set to id_token.

3. TrustBuilder requests the user to authenticate. The user authenticates with one of the TrustBuilder authentication methods.

4. After the successful user authentication, TrustBuilder sends the encoded authentication responses including the ID token.

5. The client application validates the ID token and grants the user access to its protected resources.

id_token token

Implicit flow

Click to see the detailed flow

1. Users requests access to the client application which is MFA protected.

2. The client application sends an Authentication and Authorization request to TrustBuilder trough the Authorization endpoint. In the request, the response_type parameter is set to id_token token.

3. TrustBuilder requests the user to authenticate. The user authenticates with one of the TrustBuilder authentication methods.

4. After the successful user authentication, TrustBuilder sends the encoded authentication responses including the Access token and ID token.

5. The client application validates the Access token and the ID token and grants the user access to its protected resources.

code id_token

Hybrid flow

Click to see the detailed flow

1. Users requests access to the client application which is MFA protected.

2. The client application sends an Authentication and Authorization request to TrustBuilder trough the Authorization endpoint. In the request, the response_type parameter is set to code id_token.

3. TrustBuilder requests the user to authenticate. The user authenticates with one of the TrustBuilder authentication methods.

4. After the successful user authentication, TrustBuilder sends the encoded authentication responses including the authorization code.

5. The client application sends a token request to TrustBuilder through the Token endpoint. A valid authorization code should be presented in the request.

6. TrustBuilder sends an Access token containing authorization information and an ID Token containing information about the authenticated user.

7. The client application validates the access token and grants the user access to its protected resources.

If needed, the client app can request user claims (information) to TrustBuilder through the Userinfo endpoint. A valid access token should be presented in the request. TrustBuilder will return claims about the authenticated user to the client application. Only the claims scoped by the access token are returned.

code token

Hybrid flow

Click to see the detailed flow

1. Users requests access to the client application which is MFA protected.

2. The client application sends an Authentication and Authorization request to TrustBuilder trough the Authorization endpoint. In the request, the response_type parameter is set to code token.

3. TrustBuilder requests the user to authenticate. The user authenticates with one of the TrustBuilder authentication methods.

4. After the successful user authentication, TrustBuilder sends the encoded authentication responses including the authorization code.

5. The client application sends a token request to TrustBuilder through the Token endpoint. A valid authorization code should be presented in the request.

6. TrustBuilder sends an Access token containing authorization information and an ID Token containing information about the authenticated user.

7. The client application validates the access token and grants the user access to its protected resources.

If needed, the client app can request user claims (information) to TrustBuilder through the Userinfo endpoint. A valid access token should be presented in the request. TrustBuilder will return claims about the authenticated user to the client application. Only the claims scoped by the access token are returned.

code id_token token

Hybrid flow

Click to see the detailed flow

1. Users requests access to the client application which is MFA protected.

2. The client application sends an Authentication and Authorization request to TrustBuilder trough the Authorization endpoint. In the request, the response_type parameter is set to code id_token token.

3. TrustBuilder requests the user to authenticate. The user authenticates with one of the TrustBuilder authentication methods.

4. After the successful user authentication, TrustBuilder sends the encoded authentication responses including the authorization code.

5. The client application sends a token request to TrustBuilder through the Token endpoint. A valid authorization code should be presented in the request.

6. TrustBuilder sends an Access token containing authorization information and an ID Token containing information about the authenticated user.

7. The client application validates the access token and grants the user access to its protected resources.

If needed, the client app can request user claims (information) to TrustBuilder through the Userinfo endpoint. A valid access token should be presented in the request. TrustBuilder will return claims about the authenticated user to the client application. Only the claims scoped by the access token are returned.

Authentication request

The minimal required OpenID authentication request parameters are the following:

  • response_type: determines the authorization processing flow to be used.

    • code for authorization code

    • id_token for ID token

    • token for access token

  • client_id: public identifier of the client application that asks for authorization.

  • scope: space separated list of scopes that the client application requests. openid must be included for all requests. More information

  • redirect_uri: the redirection URI to which the response will be sent. This URI must exactly match one of the registered redirection URIs for the client at the OpenID Provider.

  • nonce: random string that added to the initial request and then included inside the ID Token to mitigate the replay attacks. Required in the implicit flow, otherwise recommended

Other request parameters:

  • state: Opaque value to be returned in the access token to maintain state between the request and the callback. If set in the request, then the state is returned to the client application as part of the redirect_uri.

  • response_mode: determines the mechanism to be used for returning Authorization Response parameters from the Authorization Endpoint.

    • form_post → encoded as HTML form transmitted via the HTTP POST method

    • query → encoded in the query string added to the redirect_uri

    • fragment → encoded in the fragment added to the redirect_uri

Scope value

Associated claims


email, email_verified


phone_number, phone_number_verified


name, family_name, given_name, middle_name, nickname, preferred_username, profile, picture, website, gender, birthdate, zoneinfo, locale, updated_at



Integrate TrustBuilder MFA through OIDC

To integrate TrustBuilder MFA with your application through OpenID Connect, you should configure an “OpenID Connect” connector in TrustBuilder. You should also provide the required TrustBuilder OIDC information to your application to be able to communicate with TrustBuilder.

Configure OIDC connector in TrustBuilder

  1. Login to TrustBuilder MFA administration console.

  2. Go to the Secure Sites tab.

  3. In the "Connectors” section, click on Add a connector of type… and select Open ID Connect

  4. Configure the connector settings.

OpenID Connect connector settings



Connector name

A chosen name / information to define the connector's goal

Client ID

Unique client application identifier that will be used during authentications

Login Type

Indicates whether the login used during the authentication should be retrieved in the login field, the email field or the login 2 field.

Client Secret

Secret used by the client application to authenticate with the Authorization Server

(a character string without spaces)

Validity period
of the token

The maximum amount of time that the token should remain valid, in seconds. This field can remain empty (the default is 1 year).
If you define a custom value, make sure this value matches the OIDC properties in the client application configuration.

Authentication URL

Select the default authentication method to use on the authentication page served by TrustBuilder:

To protect users from attacks such as Push Bombing, we recommend selecting the QR code authentication. The QR code authentication method does not use push notifications, therefore it does not enable a push bombing scenario.

More information about protecting users from Push Bombing attacks


Determines the claims (user information) returned within the OpenID token. By default openid scope is included to tell the server to run OpenID Connect protocol.

Custom claims

Add client app specific claims. They are not standard OIDC claims.

  1. Click on Add to create the OpenID Connect connector.

  2. The connector creation automatically generates a connector alias, a discovery URL and a secure site alias. These elements are displayed on the top of the connector properties.

  3. The associated secure site is automatically generated (in Secure sites tabs).

Click here for more information about the Discovery URL.

OpenID Connect defines a discovery mechanism, called OpenID Connect Discovery, where an OpenID server publishes its metadata at a well-known URL, typically “”.

The URL returns a .JSON listing of the OpenID/OAuth endpoints, supported scopes and claims, public keys used to sign the tokens, and other details. The clients can use this information to construct a request to the OpenID server. The field names and values are defined in the OpenID Connect Discovery Specification.

The Discovery URL provided by TrustBuilder is unique to a connector. It can be retrieve in connector properties.

Paste the following Discovery URL in a browser to preview an example of the JSON file content:

"response_types_supported":["id_token token","id_token","code"],

Provide TrustBuilder metadata to the Relying party

You should provide TrustBuilder metadata to allow TrustBuilder (the OIDC provider) and your client application (the Relying party) to communicate.

The OIDC provider metadata can be retrieved at the Discovery URL. The connector properties should match the client application OIDC properties.

Test the OIDC connection to TrustBuilder

To test the OIDC connector the most important entry is the authorization_endpoint. You can retrieve the authorization_endpoint value in the JSON file returned by the Discovery URL.

In the example below, the OIDC flow is implicit with reponse_type=id_token. Only an ID_token will be issued

  1. Set up a simple HTML form posting to the authorization_endpoint URL to initiate the authentication dialog with TrustBuilder.
    Example of form:

    <form method="post" name="logon" id="form"
        <input name="login_hint" value="login">
        <input name="iw_activation_code" placeholder="activation code">
        <input type="hidden" name="redirect_uri" value="result.html">
        <input type="hidden" name="client_id" value="MyOIDC">
        <input type="hidden" name="response_type" value="id_token">
        <input type="hidden" name="response_mode" value="query">
        <input type="hidden" name="scope" value="openid">
        <input type="hidden" name="nonce" value="asdorj5">
        <input type="submit" value="Connect" />
  2. After posting the form you should be redirected to the TrustBuilder MFA authentication page of the connector. Click on Activate this browser to allow your browser become a trusted device.

  3. After browser token activation, you should be able to authenticate.

    Example of TrustBuilder MFA connection page after activation of the browser token (Virtual Authenticator)

  4. After successful authentication, you are redirected to a page specified in the redirect_uri of the sample form above.
    Here is a sample page to retrieve the result of an OIDC authentication

    function getUrlVars() {
    	var vars = {};
    	var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[#?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) {
    	return vars;
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
    	console.log("Dom loaded !");
    Authentication successful

    Open the JavaScript console and see the result of the authentication under the form of a id_token encoded and encrypted.
    The ID_token returns information about the authenticated user, the Client ID, the issuer URL (TrustBuilder), a creation date, an expiration date and a nonce.

Here is a sample ID_token:

You can decode this id token on JWT.IO.

Let's see the payload returned once the id_token is decoded:

"sub": "bob",
"aud": "MyOIDC",
"iss": "",
"exp": 1713190058,
"iat": 1618582058,
"nonce": "asdorj5"

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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